Water droplet on a young Lupin leaf

My Moisture Garden

Inspiration form my garden

I’m lucky enough to have a garden that has a bit of lawn, a couple of boarders and an area for growing some vegetables. What you you soon learn is that nothing is predictable in what will grow where and when. The biggest factor of course is the weather. By observing the seasonal changes and the year-to-year climate changes gave me great inspiration when I most needed it in taking on the challenge of writing a book, no matter how short. The result was A Wet Look At Climate Change that you can download for free.

My Moisture Garden Articles

My Powdery Mildew Treatment Experiment  – Results

The eBook, The Bad and The Nice

Taking Care with a Chemical Fertiliser

Powdery Mildew – An Experiment in its Control

Basil Rescued from a Nasty Fungal Death

Mulching in Moisture

Weather – is it getting wetter?

Buzzing around moisture

Alphabet Weather
